Do you do much charity knitting or crocheting? Off and on I make time for it. There are so many lovely projects you can join to bring joy and help to people in difficult life situations.

My mother had dementia for the last number of years of her life. I wish I had heard of twiddle muffs before she passed. She used to fidget with her sheets with her hands a lot. Twiddle muffs have been created for this situation – to give people something to do with their hands.

Recently I have made a few twiddle muffs that have been sent to local senior homes. What I love most about making twiddle muffs is the freedom to use your imagination! You need to make them so that nothing comes off, even with a lot of pulling. But apart from that, you are free to be creative. So here I’m giving some pointers that you can use to start creating. They can be knitted or crocheted equally. Here I have knitted the base and added many crocheted items.

How to make a twiddle muff

General about twiddle muffs

  • Size: about 15 x 30 cm (6 x 12 in)  when folded (length 30 cm/ 12 in)
  • Any items need to be very well attached. Nurses who work with people with dementia would tell you how easily they can pull off anything not properly attached. I use grizzly sewing thread double, knot it and pass the needle through the knotted part before starting to sew.

Ideas for twiddle muffs

  • Bright colours
  • Various things to twiddle with both inside and outside the muff
  • Different types of yarn to achieve different textures: Rough, soft, shiny etc.
  • Use different kinds of knitted and crocheted stitches. Knit, purl, rib, popcorns, moss stitch, knitting and crochet mixed.
  • Buttons (very well sewn on!)
  • Crochet flowers, butterflies, hearts
  • Crochet twirls
  • Lace
  • Zippers
  • Pompons
  • Beads singly or as a string
  • Design made with pearls
  • Braids, string. You can dip the ends in glue or nail varnish to attach
  • Felted items sewn on
  • Soft texture by sewing on wool loops
  • Small pocket
  • Buckle
  • Mini size soft toy
  • Plastic rings, plastic rings covered in crochet

Reverse side:

Twiddle muff reverse side

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Making twiddle muffs










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